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How to Reduce Your Stress or Anxiety
(Based on My Experiences)

Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life events can cause stress. It is often triggered when we experience something new, unexpected or that threatens our sense of self, or when we feel we have little control over a situation. (Mental Health Foundation of UK)
      Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. (Wikipedia)
         As a student, no matter in what grades you are, we often get anxiety or stress because we have lot of things to do, to reach, etc. Stressor is the causing of people’s stress or anxiety. Stressor can be the people around you, tasks that u’ve asked to, or something like that. Sometimes we can’t get rid of stress. So here some tips to reduce your stress during your day.

1.      Listening the comforting music

Listening music can be comforting and relaxing your body. Everybody has their own favourite colour of music. Try to listen and think about the music, it might reduce your stress.

For example, i always feel stressed out whenever i have to do my school task. If i procrastinate it, i will only getting more and more stress. So, i do it as soon as i can while listening to music. The example of the music is Twice- Feel Special. The lyrics on that music really makes me feel comfort, that’s why i always play that song whenever i get to do my school tasks.

2.      Exercise

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress. By putting the stress on your physic, you will slowly forget about your mental stress. I really recommend it. Exercise can also make your body healthier. For example, you can do yoga or you can run through the street around your house or going out to the sports field. It will exactly makes you slowly forget about the stress.

3.      Brew green tea

Green tea is one of the most useful tea I ever know. Green tea can detoxicate your body and it can also relieved your stress. Green tea contains many polyphenol antioxidants which provide health benefits. It may lower stress and anxiety by increasing your serotonin levels. So, try it!

4.      Watching fun video and laugh

Watching fun video can makes your brain relaxed. It’s good for your mental health. It can relieving your stress response. It can also makes you laugh, so that you can relieving tension by relaxing the face muscles. It can also relieved your mood. Laugh is very important for you, so don’t forget to laugh at least once a day, okay?

5.      Write it down

         This one is the last tip that I will give to you!

Write things down can relieved your stress. Just like what i do right now. I’m so stressed out before, but after i write this article, i don’t know why somehow i feel free from the tension. You can write everything you want to write. And somehow that will make you relieve without you realized.

So, I guess that’s all the tips that i can give you for now! I’m sorry if there are lot of mistakes since my English is not really good. Thank you for coming here and read what i write! I really wish you can relieved your stress after doing one of the tips above. Thank you 😊


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